Wednesday, April 13, 2005

The current debacle between the newly formed Cabinet and the so called – Parliament of the People

This is the first of a serious of comments – personal reflections – on issues and events of Importance to the reform and development of our country…I will be awaiting all of your comments so PLEASE do share your views

The members of the current parliament, like their predecessors, don’t represent us nor do they represent the majority of Jordan. How can someone from Kerak, who got 820 votes in the last elections, claim to represent me or even represent his governorate. They only represent personal and tribal interests.

All previous parliamentary elections in Jordan showed, as expected, an overwhelming victory for independent pro-government candidates, with most of them elected on the basis of their tribal and regional affiliations. The turnout in the large urban areas, which constitute more than two thirds of Jordan’s 5.6 million inhabitants, was always much lower than rural areas, reflecting the widespread apathy surrounding the elections campaign’s because of the absence of true opposition groups. The turnout was much higher in rural and Bedouin areas, especially given the tribal and regional character of the election.

In short, these GUYS can’t go on in claiming that they represent Jordanians, as they only represent micro interests and not the overall interest of the country. This also leads us to conclude that a lot remains to be done in our country’s democratization programme.


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